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Education Funding

Student Needs-Based Education Funding


For decades, the way Connecticut funds education has been inequitable, disjointed, and in desperate need of a comprehensive solution that provides our state’s students with the resources they need to succeed in and out of the classroom.

CCM has long advocated for changes to our current education finance system.  Recently, we highlighted the inequities and problems associated with the current process in CCM’s Education Issues Bulletin. (Click here for the bulletin.)

Here are Luke Bronin, mayor of Hartford, and Erika Weicenski, first selectman of Willington, discussing the challenges of funding education in communities of all sizes in Connecticut.

Legislation being considered in 2023 which addresses those inequities and promotes student-centered funding to enhance education funding students, parents, teachers, and communities across Connecticut.  This is achieved by:

  • Funding all public-school students based on their learning needs;
  • Fully funding the ECS grant, which supports all local school districts;
  • Fully funding public schools of choice; and
  • Giving districts the financial stability to make meaningful, long-term investments in resources such as teachers, counselors, social workers, school psychologists, and student support services and programs.

Specific information regarding the proposals can be found here: Infographic

A majority of schools throughout the state will see an increase in education funding under the proposed changes.  Specific details regarding the estimated financial impact the changes will have on individual school districts can be found here: District Financial Impact

CCM has been partnering with a variety of organizations to promote education funding changes, among them has been the School + State Finance Project.  They have a variety of other information available here: Education Funding Resources

Contact your legislator and Governor Lamont and tell them to prioritize equitably education funding for all students.